Big Changes will come.

A new website is in development! Coming soon!

We're moving from blogspot to a real website! At the moment everything is in motion and we're working hard on many new exciting features! We hope to have the new site up sometime after summer but there are no promises because our hosting is expensive, and we are bound to hit a few problems.

Thank you.

Summer Photo Effect Tutorial

Summer photo effect tutorial!

Its summer, and I need something special for summer for this site right? So... I've decided to make you a tutorial and since the photo retouch tutorial was a big smash I decided to do it on a photo effect! Now I keep seeing all these yellow tinged summer "themed" photos, yet I've never find out how they make there is! So after awhile tinkering in photoshop I found out how, and this is what I got:

Looks pretty good, at the bottom are some more examples!

Lets begin. First find a picture you want to edit ( or use the stock I have found ), there are some restrictions to this though, and they are as followed;

-Must be outside ( being a summer theme this helps )
-Tree/plant backgrounds work best ( better for the effect )
-Bright day/exposed.

After following those guild lines and finding/taking a picture you want to edit we can actually begin to start! Open up photoshop, as always I will be using cs4. The first thing we will tackle is exposure. You'll want to go ahead and open that, it can be located at the bottom of the layer menu, like so:

Now adjust everything how I have it below:

Here comes the annoying part of it all. You will need to make a new adjustment layer, like you did for the exposure, accept instead of clicking on exposure click on selective color. Its going to bring you to this screen.

Go threw all the drop down options and under the Yellow change it all to 100%. It will give you something that looks horrid! But don't worry we will fix that! You're going to need to change the layer blending mode to "Hue", you can find that like so:

Yet another adjustment layer! this time you'll need to select Brightness/Contrast. Change you setting to the following:

one last step, we need to add a "light source" from the bottom of this, you're going to need to select your gradient tool ( its with the paint bucket tool ) and change the gradient setting as follows:

create a new layer and click and drag, making sure the dark half is at the top, change the blending mode to Screen and you're done!

If the effect is to strong, select all the layers you have added and group them ( ctrl+g ) and change opacity down to a suitable strength. I turned mine to 75%. Final effect.

Tutorial Center

I just worked some of my coding magic and created a simple but effective way to browse threw my tutorials! I hope you enjoy it! You can get there by clicking on the right side bar under " Pages " or follow the link below! Have fun!

Tutorial Center

Polariod Photoshop Effect By Zeezed

A Polaroid effect can be the perfect achieve a retro effect! Today I will be teaching you how to make an incredible style using a Polaroid effect in Photoshop! This is what we're going to be aiming for today:

This effect only took me 10 minutes to do ( provided I had all the resources needed ) and should be less then an hour to learn. I am using Photoshop CS4 and I'm working under the essentials workspace. Lets begin!

First you're going to need to find a few images, 4-8 usually give the best effect, I will be using 5 images today. These are the images below:

Now create a new document, depending on the purposes you're going to use the image for this size will vary, but for learning purposes we will make it 500px by 500px. You should have a blank canvas in front of you.

From here you will want to make to use the rectangle tool and cover the entire surface like so:

Now navigate to the upper control bar, and find the Subtract From Shape Area as shown below and click it.

You will need to make a rectangle shape inside the shape you made before that looks like this:

now you see its starting to look like a Polaroid!

Double click on the layer thumbnail located beside the layer name

this window should pop up:

Change it so white.

At the bottom of the layer window look for an icon that says FX click on it and look for Gradient Overlay.

Change the setting to what I have below

Select you background layer!!! <- Very important. Go into file>place...
and locate the files you wish you use.
Place each on accordingly and when done sizing and fitting hit enter.

This is what you should get

Now its time for the fun part! We have all the elements of our design done, now we need to bring them together! Create a new document ( keep the polariod document open ), this can be anysize you please but for the tutorial I will make it 1500px by1000px.

You will need to find a background for your new document, I am using a wooden texture that I have enhanced, you may use the same one:

( Click to enlarge )

Now go to your polariod document and hit:
Select the image you'd like ( make the rest invisible by clicking on the eye beside layer )
Now go to the other document and paste it ( CTRL+V ).

Repeat For all images.

Should look like this in your layer window:

Now free tranfer them ( Edit>Free Transfer / CTRL+T ) and rotate/move them around the way you'd like. Here is what I got:

One more step! Select a Polaroid layer and add a layer style like you did with the gradient overlay but this time choose Drop Shadow and adjust the setting for the best look. Repeat for the other Polaroid images.This is the final product:

I hope you enjoyed this Polaroid Photoshop tutorial by zeezed! This tutorial was written by Scott Hutchison and in no way do you have the right to use without back linking to this page, thank you.

Another Template?

Yes I know it wasn't to long ago I made a template for the website, but that was only a temporary template. So I made a new template! There is a few more things I must do before this template is 100% done but all the Photoshop and Dream Weaver work is over so I can at least put up what I have. I hope this one is a little more eye pleasing the the other one, I think so... So enjoy!

Oh yes by the way, there is going to be 2 more surprising coming up soon for this website, but they involve some serious coding and graphics so give it time, but I'm hoping with these two new functions this site will become a lot more helpful. It will still be related to graphics, Photoshop and tutorials :)

Hope you enjoy the update!

Pen up girl

I was determined to get some sorta inspiration from my little trip to Windsor Ontario ( Where I just spent the last week with a friend ) and I found it in a tattoo "shop". It wasn't quite the shop that gave me the idea but I still wanted to do something, so pin-up lady came to mind. I hope you enjoy it, one day I might finish it, who knows, I might color it as well but I don't know, I say a lot of things and never get around to them. I hope you enjoy this, made it in photoshop, took me almost only 30 minutes but I still had fun with my tablet, good practice in photoshop.