New Template!

After a little while in dreamweaver I have finally got the site in a more zeezed looking style :) The purple theme is not the only new update but I am not done the other features, so keep an eye open for a few new features in the website!! Hope you enjoy it! Still have a few things to photoshop and code but this is basically it. Enjoy!

Also, I am hoping to post some new photoshop tutorials here for zeezed but photoshop tutorials can take awhile to make so be patient!


Bright Black And White Portrait Photoshop Tutorial

Another personal tutorial! This style is a very easy way to make a professional looking black and white portrait using photoshop. I learned this awhile ago and used it on a few pictures but it only works for certain image.

Suggested elements of your photo:

Light Background ( at least most/some of it )

What You'll Need
-Photoshop ( I suggest cs1+ )
-10-20 minutes
-Basic understanding of photoshop

First you will need to find a picture, this is one I found of myself took about a month ago and it will work very nicely for what we are going to be doing.

In this tutorial you will need to know how to use layer adjustments. Depending on what version of photoshop this can be easy to access or a little more hidden. Here it where it is on a lot of photoshops:

Some of the adjustments might be missing depending on your photoshop version.

We will be first adding an adjustment layer, this adjustment is called exposure:

Set them to my setting for the time being ( You can come back and adjust the setting for fine tuning at the end )

The next step is adding a gradient map. This is a what gives it the look you need. This is what it should look like ( looks may vary )

You're going to need to edit this gradient by double clicking on the gradient preview image. This is what pops up:

Where I have the red circle in the image above, you will want to double click that to edit the color. This window will pop up:

Change the color to #777777 ( it should be a mid tone grey if you're going to use another shade. ).

You're almost done my friend! If you've followed the steps correctly you image should look like this:

Now one more step! Add a Brightness&Contrast layer Adjustment. You can play around with the setting to fine tune your design but these are my settings:

Congratulations You're Done! Hope you had fun, please browse around for more tutorials! Happy Photoshop 'in days to you!

Art Trading Cards

My art teacher, Lady Kubu, has this "addiction" to art cards. If you're not knowing what art cards are, they're just like trading cards except you make them yourself. So during today art class I came up with some art cards, well only two. She is going to sell them for a dollar for a charity, so I guess its worth putting some time into ;) Anyways here they're, exclusive to Zeezed! Remember if you're going to be sharing this with anyone be sure to give me ( Scott Hutchison ) some credit! Good day!

If you would like to know more about art cards I found this neat little site tells you plenty about them!


This is inspired by a man who goes by the name of Alex Pardee, his style isn't hard, but the technique and ideas behind his paintings are hard to come up with...Anyways my tribute to a painter with a sick mind for wicked paintings...I present to you my Llama!! I hope you enjoy it! I made it just for Zeezed, no meaning behind it, no thoughts, just for fun :) I might experiment with this style a little more just for fun, I have a few ideas, but i would obviously put my own spin on it, so look forward to that!

Anyways! I hope you like it! Enjoy!

Click For Larger Version >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This was presented by Scott Hutchison For Zeezed

Just Another Way


I spent awhile doing this one. First time trying something along these lines, I'm not use to using the paint brush tool but I am slowly gaining a liking for it. The inspiration is more personal reflection then anything else, the monster represents stress and the little man represents myself. nough' said? Hope you enjoy it!

This project has given the the confidence to try a portrait, so keep an eye open to a portrait :O!

This was presented by Scott Hutchison For Zeezed

Best Friend

I'd like you to meet my friend Amber. We've been best friends for along time, we've dated, we've broken up, we've made mistakes, we've laughed, we've lived amd in the end me are still best friends, and it will continue to be like this


This was presented by Scott Hutchison For Zeezed

Self portrait

I got bored so I took a picture :) Enjoy.

This was presented by Scott Hutchison For Zeezed

Zeezed's Basic Fish Eye Effect Tutorial

Zeezed's Basic Fish Eye Effect Tutorial By Scott Hucthison

First you're going to need to make your image sqaure. To do this take the *crop tool(c)* and Press shift while dragging. This will make a perfect sqaure. Now adjust to where you want it to be.

Press Enter.

Now we're going to need to use the *Lens Correction* filter. Now click on the filter menu at the top, for some it will be at the top, and for others it will be in *Filters > Distort > Lens Correction.*
This should open( it may look different for you ):

You need to find *remove distortion*. When you find this you're going to set a negative input. I like to use -32.00. After adjusting this to your liking click ok.

This is how mine came out:

Find your *ellipse tool(u)*, its should be here;

Go to the far left corner and while pressing shift, click and drag all the way to the bottom right corner. You should get something that looks like this;

If your circle isn't black you can switch it by double clicking the layer thumbnail.

Now you need to go to your *path select tool(a)* and click on the circle. This should activate the nodes and 4 small dots around your circle should appear.

Now all you have to do is press the negative key, (-) and this will invert your shape.

Here are some other ones I quickly did. These are in no way my photos and are only exmaples!

This was presented by Scott Hutchison For Zeezed

Bitter Cold

Bitter Cold

This was took awhile ago but I finally emptied my memory card and saw it so I am uploading it :) Enjoy!

Oh yeah its also on deviant art! There is a bigger/printable version there!

Bitter Cold Large Version

This was presented by Scott Hutchison For Zeezed

Simple Text Editing

Today I'm going to teach you how to enhance you text in photoshop. I am using photoshop CS5 in this tutoiral. The font I am using is arial.

First open a new deocument, the size doesn't matter because you're only learning. The size of my document is 600x600 pixels.

Now you're going to need to lay down some text, you will need two words ( doesn't matter what they're ) and they will need to be on seporate lines like so:

So now we can start leanring more about the text tool. Lets go over the basics, on the top bar under the menu bar will be most your text settings. You can change font, font style, size, anit-aliasing method, alignment, color and create a text warp. I will be changing the font style to Bold.You can play around with these settings, see what you can get.

Click below to see larger view of text bar.

So now that we have the basic font setting down, time to go a little more advance. Alot of people do not find these settings because they're a little hidden but they can enhance you text in such amazing ways! So go to;

Windows > Paragraph

and a side menu should open, this is what mine looks like, yours might be different.

You're going to want to select the Character tab so start editing you text;

I've only labelled the first 6 settings. The rest is up to you to edit/change/play around with.

This is what I got after a minute or so;


This was presented by Scott Hutchison For Zeezed

You're Bonkers

I kinda adore this quote, and it inspired me to create this fine piece of work. I hope you enjoy!!

To see larger version click the image

This was presented by Scott Hutchison For Zeezed

I'd Give You The World

This was inspired by my girlfriend. 'nough said? Anyways I believe its kinda self explained. The globe balloon represents the world and how I'd give the world to her if I could. Corny, yes but true non the less.

Check it out on my deviant art;

This was presented by Scott Hutchison For Zeezed


Well hello there stranger! Welcome to my site! Dedicated to whatever I feel like! Which will always be Photoshop! Search around and find some fun tutorials, helpful resources and inspiration! Hope you have grand time. Good day to you sir/mam'! So don't forget to come back to zeezed! My name is Scott Hutchison, and this is my artwork :)